boolean lastbutton=LOW; boolean currentbutton=LOW; int input=0; int buzz=13; // Buzzer Pin int j=3; int k=12; void setup() { for(int i=3;i<=12;i++) pinMode(i,OUTPUT); pinMode(2,INPUT); } boolean debounce(boolean last){ //Function to solve the problem of button debouncing boolean current=digitalRead(2); if(last!=current) { delay(5); current=digitalRead(2); } return current; } void loop() { for(int i=3;i<=12;i++) digitalWrite(i,LOW); currentbutton=debounce(lastbutton); if(lastbutton==LOW && currentbutton==HIGH) { input++; } lastbutton=currentbutton; settone(input); } void settone(int input) { if(input==1) one(); else if(input==2) oneA(); else if(input==3) two(); else if(input==4) twoA(); else if(input==5) three(); else if(input==6) threeA(); else if(input==7) four(); } void one() { //This function produces the 1st siren sound with ON/OFF led transition. // Whoop up for(int hz = 440; hz < 1000; hz+=25){ tone(buzz, hz, 50); delay(5); for(int i=3;i<=7;i++) digitalWrite(i,HIGH); } // Whoop down for(int hz = 1000; hz > 440; hz-=25){ tone(buzz, hz, 50); delay(5); for(int i=3;i<=7;i++) { digitalWrite(i,LOW); digitalWrite(i+5,HIGH); } } } void oneA() { //This function produces differnt transition on 1st siren. // Whoop up for(int hz = 440; hz < 1000; hz+=25){ tone(buzz, hz, 50); delay(5); } if(j>=3){ digitalWrite(j,HIGH); j=j+1; digitalWrite(k,HIGH); k=k-1; if(j==8) j=3; if(k==7) k=12; } // Whoop down for(int hz = 1000; hz > 440; hz-=25){ tone(buzz, hz, 50); delay(5); } } void two() { //This function produces the 2nd siren sound with progressive led transition. // Whoop up for(int hz = 440; hz < 1000; hz+=25){ tone(buzz, hz, 50); delay(5); } loopF(3,12,20); loopR(12,3,20); // Whoop down for(int hz = 1000; hz > 440; hz-=25){ tone(buzz, hz, 50); delay(5); } } void twoA() { //This function produces differnt transition on 2nd siren. // Whoop up for(int hz = 440; hz < 1000; hz+=25){ tone(buzz, hz, 50); delay(5); } loopF(3,k,20); loopR(12,j,20); k--; if(k==3) k=12; j++; if(j==12) j=3; // Whoop down for(int hz = 1000; hz > 440; hz-=25){ tone(buzz, hz, 50); delay(5); } } void three() { //This function produces the 3rd siren(AMBULANCE) sound with led transition. tone(buzz,440,200); delay(300); for(int i=3;i<=6;i++) digitalWrite(i,HIGH); noTone(buzz); tone(buzz,494,500); delay(300); for(int i=3;i<=6;i++){ digitalWrite(i,LOW); digitalWrite(i+6,HIGH); } noTone(buzz); tone(buzz,523,300); delay(200); digitalWrite(7,HIGH); delay(50); digitalWrite(8,HIGH); delay(50); noTone(buzz); } void threeA() { //This function produces differnt transition on 3rd siren. tone(buzz,440,200); delay(100); loopF(5,10,20); loopR(10,5,20); noTone(buzz); for(int i=3;i<=4;i++){ digitalWrite(i,HIGH); digitalWrite(i+8,HIGH);} tone(buzz,494,500); delay(300); noTone(buzz); for(int i=3;i<=4;i++){ digitalWrite(i,LOW); digitalWrite(i+8,LOW); } tone(buzz,523,300); delay(300); noTone(buzz); } void four() { //This function produces the 4th siren(POLICE) sound with led transition. for(int i=3;i<=11;i+=2) digitalWrite(i,HIGH); for(int hz = 440; hz < 1000; hz++){ tone(buzz, hz, 50); delay(5); } for(int i=3;i<=11;i+=2) digitalWrite(i,LOW); for(int i=4;i<=12;i+=2) digitalWrite(i,HIGH); for(int hz = 1000; hz > 440; hz--){ tone(buzz, hz, 50); delay(5); } } // SOME EXTRA FUNCTIONS OTHER THAN THE SIREN TONES void loopF(int spin,int epin,int dela){ //loopF can blink the led in forward direction so spin must be lower than epin. for(int i=spin;i<=epin;i++){ digitalWrite(i,HIGH); delay(dela); low(); if(spin==epin){ spin=3; epin=12;} }} void loopR(int epin,int spin,int dela){ //loopR can blink the led in reverse/backward direction so epin must be lower than spin. for(int i=epin;i>=spin;i--){ digitalWrite(i,HIGH); delay(dela); low(); if(spin==epin){ spin=3; epin=12;} }} void low(){ //Used by loopF and loopR for(int i=3;i<=12;i++) digitalWrite(i,LOW); }